Become a member

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FSV Fysiek is the study association of the study physiotherapy at the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen. Everyone who studies, or has studied, physiotherapy can join FSV Fysiek. Even if you don’t live in Groningen, this is an excellent way to meet and socialize with your fellow students!

The committees of FSV Fysiek organize all sorts of activities during the year These usually take place in the evenings, so everyone is free to participate.
The drinks and the theme parties are always on Tuesday nights.

Everything is voluntary, so you can decide for yourself if you want to go or not. We would not want to interfere with your studies.
We try to encourage you to take an active interest in your studies and the field of physiotherapy. To assist you with your study, FSV Fysiek also organizes various study related activities on a regular basis.

Next to our focus on your development in the field of physiotherapy, we also offer you the opportunity to work on other competences.
For example, if you want a challenge and you want to work on your organizational skills, you could choose to join a committee or apply for a place on the FSV Fysiek board.

The only thing you have to do to take part in all these activities, is becoming a member of FSV Fysiek.
After that, you will receive your login information for the website, where you can access all the discount deals that you can enjoy as a member of FSV Fysiek and where you can sign up for all the fun activities!

At FSV Fysiek you have no obligations whatsoever, everything is voluntary. The only obligation is the standard contribution fee of €15,- per year.

Currently, FSV Fysiek has 1540 members. During various activities you will meet a lot of these members, which is a lot of fun!
At FSV Fysiek we do not have a hazing, we do however have an introduction camp, which is a lot of fun.
This weekend will mainly be focused on socializing and having a good time.

If you have any questions, please don’t be afraid to come see us in the boardroom (DK.11) or send an email to

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